ジャック・バーザン 氏Jacques Barzun
2012年 10月25日 死去享年106歳
ジャック・バーザン(Jacques Barzun、1907年11月30日 - 2012年10月25日)は、フランスのグルノーブルで生まれ、1933年にアメリカ合衆国に帰化した哲学者、歴史家。
1932 The French Race: Theories of Its Origins and Their Social and Political Implications
1937 Race: a Study in Modern Superstition (Revised, 1965 Race: A Study in Superstition)
1939 Of Human Freedom
1941 Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage
『ダーウィン、マルクス、ヴァーグナー 知的遺産の批判』野島秀勝訳、法政大学出版局・叢書ウニベルシタス, 1999
1943 Romanticism and the Modern Ego
1945 Teacher in America
1951 Pleasures of Music
1954 God's Country and Mine: A Declaration of Love, Spiced with a Few Harsh Words
1956 Music in American Life
1956 The Energies of Art
1959 The House of Intellect
1960 Lincoln the Literary Genius (first published in The Saturday Evening Post, 14 February 1959)
1961 The Delights of Detection
1961 Classic, Romantic, and Modern
1964 Science: The Glorious Entertainment
1967 What Man Has Built (introductory booklet to the Great Ages of Man book series)
1968 The American University: How It Runs, Where It Is Going
1969 Berlioz and the Romantic Century (3d ed.)
1971 On Writing, Editing, and Publishing
1971 A Catalogue of Crime (with Wendell Hertig Taylor)
1975 Simple and Direct: A Rhetoric for Writers
1976 The Bibliophile of the Future: His Complaints about the Twentieth Century
1980 Three Talks at Northern Kentucky University
1982 Lincoln's Philosophic Vision
1982 Critical Questions
1983 A Stroll with William James
1986 A Word or Two Before You Go: Brief Essays on Language
1989 The Cul ……